
The main objective of the Abrolhos Land and Sea Fund is to support the creation, consolidation, maintenance and institutional strengthening of the Federal Protected Areas (PAs) in southern Bahia and northernmost Espírito Santo connected to the Abrolhos Land and Sea territory. In addition to the last remaining swaths of Atlantic Forest in Northeastern Brazil, the Abrolhos mosaic spans 89 million hectares of the most biodiverse marine and coastal ecosystems in the Southern Atlantic.

Home to the largest and most diverse coral reefs in Brazil and an important humpback whale nursery, the territory encompasses 19 Federal PAs, together covering 48 million hectares of protected land.

The financial mechanism, designed by FUNBIO, its financial and executive manager, receives technical support from CI-Brazil and funding from CI-International’s Global Conservation Fund (GCF). Though financing is privately sourced, governance is a public/private partnership.

The fund is open to donations from individuals, NGOs, bi and multilateral agencies, companies and institutions from Brazil and abroad, as well as to resources raised through environmental offset measures, environmental licensing prerequisites and consent decrees.

*name given by CI-Brasil, partner in the initiative, with over two decades of experience working in the region.




In Progress


Atlantic Forest



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