
Brazil’s biodiversity-rich coastal zone, home to 43 million people, is suffering under the impact of haphazard occupation, overexploitation of natural resources, pollution, invasive species and climate change. The coast of Paraná is of considerable ecological importance to the conservation of the Atlantic Forest and Brazil’s marine and coastal system, and it is there that the Biodiversity Conservation Program for the Paraná Coast will focus the funding reserved for it through a Judicial Settlement which Petrobras signed in 2012 with the Paraná State and Federal Public Prosecutors Offices, the Paraná State Government and Paraná Institute for the Environment (IAP).

With FUNBIO as technical and financial manager as of 2021, the Program will work toward planning, managing and investing the existing funds, as well as devise governance models, a cost structure and, chiefly, new frameworks for executing the demands and investments required to further biodiversity conservation and sustainable development along the Paraná coast.

The area of operations is located between the President Getúlio Vargas Refinery in Araucária and the Paranaguá waterway terminal in the town of the same name, especially the stretch that runs through the Serra do Mar mountains at Morretes, the site of the oil spill that gave rise to the Judicial Accord.

The planned actions are designed to serve the following eight fronts:

1. Creation of financial mechanisms to ensure long-term sustainability for biodiversity conservation actions along the Paraná coast;

2. Creation, implantation, maintenance and expansion of Protected Areas;

3. Protection of Biodiversity;

4. Inter-institutional integration of public organs working in the environmental field;

5. Increasing the efficiency, efficacy and transparency of environmental licensing and monitoring, which should be integrated under a single information system;

6. Territorial planning and management geared towards protecting natural heritage;

7. Systematic collection and tracking of environmental-quality data for use in biodiversity conservation;

8. Strategic communication to underscore the importance of protected areas and biodiversity to society.


In Progress

Starting year



Marine and Coastal



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