Aroeira Project for the Conservation of Private Lands


The Aroeira Project for the Conservation of Private Lands, implemented by FUNATURA, aims to contribute to the reduction of deforestation by protecting relevant private areas in the Cerrado, located in the largest continuous fragments of Cerrado in the country, Chapada dos Veadeiros – Goiás and Jalapão – Tocantins.

To achieve this objective, the project will work on two lines of action: the creation of Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs, the acronym in Portuguese) and the preparation of Management Plans for RPPNs.

Five properties in the Chapada dos Veadeiros region were selected for the creation of RPPNs. Priority was given to areas located in the southern portion of Veadeiros, where the Águas do Paraíso State Park is located. Of these, two are in the Couros River basin, one at the source (Planeta Verde) and the other at the mouth (Flor do Cerrado), bordering the State Park; the other three (Terra Krya 1, Terra Krya 2 and Terra Krya 3) are in the Tocantinzinho basin, approximately 14 km from the State Park.

Seven RPPNs were selected for the preparation of the Management Plans, six in Chapada dos Veadeiros and one in the state of Tocantins, located less than 10 km from the Jalapão State Park, considered one of the most important private areas in the region.

Of the seven RPPNs that will receive support for the preparation of the Management Plans, five are initiatives of women who acquired the areas for conservation. The other two also have a strong contribution from women who actively participate in the initiative, but sharing it with other stakeholders.

The project will last a total of 18 months and it is expected that, by the end of the project, five RPPNs will be created, totaling 500 hectares. Seven Management Plans will also be prepared for other RPPNs already created, totaling 1,470 hectares. In total, twelve RPPNs will be served by the project, contributing to the protection of approximately 2,000 hectares.


In Progress


