The Cerrado Protection Mosaics project, developed by the Instituto Cerrados, has three objectives: (1) Develop the Management Plan for 11 Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs, the acronym in Portuguese); (2) Submit 10 proposals for the creation of RPPNs to ICMBIO; (3) Make available the Suindara – Fire and Deforestation Alert System, and fire-fighting equipment.
The first objective focuses efforts on the Serra dos Pireneus Protection Mosaic, the densest mosaic of RPPNs in the country. Management Plans for the selected RPPNs will be drawn up in an integrated manner, taking into account their proximity and the ecological context in which they are located.
The second objective includes the creation of RPPNs in the municipalities of Cavalcante, Teresina de Goiás, Mambaí and Pirenópolis, in Goiás, and the municipality of Buritis, in Minas Gerais. This work continues the efforts to create RPPNs in the state, where the creation of 22 RPPNs is already supported.
Given the intrinsic importance of proper fire management in the conservation of the Cerrado, the project will provide the RPPNs involved with support to mitigate the effects of unplanned fires through access to the Suindara – Fire and Deforestation Alert System, as well as fire prevention and combat training and equipment for the brigades involved.
The project has a total duration of 18 months and it is expected that by the end of it 11 RPPNs will be created (totaling 1,614 hectares) and management plans will be prepared for another 11 RPPNs already created (totaling 64 hectares).
StatusIn Progress |
BiomeCerrado |