Managing Institution: Regional Cooperative of Small-Scale Farming and Extractivism Ltda. – COPABASE
COPABASE’s Plan for Strengthening the Socio-Bioeconomic Productive Arrangement focuses on the pillars of Governance, Productive Strengthening, and Market Access and Diversification. Aiming to contribute to COPABASE’s holistic sustainability, the plan seeks to develop specific value chains, including handicrafts, fruit agroforestry systems (SAF, the acronym in Portuguese), Baru nut extractivism, cassava flour, brown sugar, spices, cotton, and honey in the Urucuia Grande Sertão Veredas territory.
With a planned two-year implementation, the primary goal is to empower agro-extractivist families economically by strengthening governance, improving management, and expanding and sustaining markets for the COPABASE brand. The focus is on achieving economic sustainability, financial independence, and better quality of life for the beneficiary families by developing productive value chains and structured businesses. In partnership with 20 organizations, the plan aims to solidify socio-biodiversity networks in the Urucuia Grande Sertão region.
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