In the “home yard”: a female perspective


Institution responsible: Associação Vyty Cati das Comunidades Indígenas Timbira do Maranhão e Tocantins

Project Summary: The project has the following objectives: to strengthen the territorial management of the Krikati and Kraholândia Indigenous Lands through the protagonism and empowerment of women and their local social dynamics; and to provide for the strengthening of local food and nutritional sovereignty and traditional practices of using bush medicines through the management, enrichment and installation of agroforestry backyards. The Timbira People produce food using their traditional methods. In addition to the slash-and-burn farms, the backyards are important spaces for food production, and it is there that the protagonism of women is quite expressive. Productive home yards play a fundamental role in these communities, because in addition to producing a variety of healthy foods, these gardens are used to raise small animals and cultivate some medicinal species that are used for health treatments. These spaces are located in the backyard of the houses and are spaces of occupation, movement and eminently feminine domain, playing a fundamental role in the visibility of these indigenous women, making them protagonists of their own histories, in addition to contributing to the food security of their family and to the sustainable development of their territory.

The activities include walking tours of the territory to identify species that can be incorporated into backyards, which involves gathering information about the territory and the use of these species; preparing audiovisual material with the women, addressing their perspective on the territory; holding an exchange of knowledge between Krahô and Krikati women; installing new backyards and enriching existing backyards; and holding workshops with women from the two peoples mentioned.

States: Maranhão and Tocantins

Indigenous Lands: Krikati and Kraolândia

Peoples: Krikati and Krahô


In Progress


