Ipa’wã: Ethno-mapping of copaiba tree grove areas in the Xipaya Indigenous Land


Institution responsible: Pyjahyry Xipaia Indigenous Association – AIPHX

Project summary: To carry out ethno-mapping of areas where copaiba trees occur, as a strategy to strengthen territorial and environmental management of the Xipaya Indigenous Land (Tukamã, Tukayá and Kaarimã villages). The success of the project will be conditional upon achieving the following specific objectives: 1) Improving travel conditions within areas of interest for copaiba oil extraction; 2) Identifying the spatial distribution of areas of interest for copaiba oil exploitation; 3) Developing actions to publicize the project; and 4) Training and raising awareness among indigenous families about the use of the ethno-mapping tool as a way to improve Territorial and Environmental Management.

The project is expected to improve the socioeconomic conditions of the communities involved, through the addition of a new product from extractivism; the strengthening of extractivism in the areas where copaiba trees occur; and the strengthening of territorial and environmental management of the Xipaya Indigenous Land, with the expansion of the area under effective use of the forest. The project will also contribute to better territorial monitoring, since the copaiba areas occur near the boundaries of the Xipaya Indigenous Land. Therefore, regions of the forests not (or little) visited by the indigenous people will be visited more frequently.

Indigenous Land: Xipaya

People: Xipaya


In Progress


