Kalunga Products from the Cerrado Sociobiodiversity


Institution responsible: Quilombo Kalunga Association – AQK

The Kalunga people have lived for approximately three centuries in the territory of the Kalunga Historical and Cultural Heritage Site, which covers an area of 261,999 hectares and comprises 39 communities spread throughout this area. It is the largest remaining quilombo area in Brazil, and also has the largest population, approximately 1,530 families.

This project aims to organize and expand the production chain of Kalunga products by promoting their commercialization through the construction of a store and a museum, in addition to restructuring the production, processing, sales and online marketing spaces.

This project aims to organize and expand the production chain of Kalunga products by promoting their commercialization through the construction of a store and a museum, in addition to restructuring the production, processing, sales and online marketing spaces.

The actions will be carried out through product mapping, technical assistance in the development of packaging, labels and conservation standards for health safety.

There will be the construction of a space to sell products in the city of Cavalcante, Goiás, on the grounds of the AQK headquarters, and a course will be held for Kalunga visitor guides on Community-Based Tourism. In addition, groups of birdwatchers, photographers and video content producers will be formed.

The activities are expected to last 18 months and as a result, it is expected that the community will be able to improve the marketing services offered for its products and to increment income generation by expanding access to other markets and e-commerce. In addition, it will promote the recognition of products from the Cerrado and traditional quilombola communities that live in the Kalunga Historical and Cultural Heritage Site.


In Progress


