May Ūīti – watch over the Earth, protect the Earth, care for the Earth


Institution responsible: Yawanawá Agroextractive Cooperative – COOPYAWA

Project Summary: The May Ūīti Project – watching over the Earth, protecting the Earth, caring for the Earth aims to support and enable the continuous and systematic implementation of Territorial and Environmental Management actions by the Yawanawá People in their Indigenous Land, with the main beneficiaries being indigenous people from Sagrada and Shukuvena villages, who will receive the equipment to be acquired, and, as direct beneficiaries of the actions to be undertaken, indigenous people from the Nova Esperança village, as it is located in a continuous area with the other two villages.

With a focus on improving and qualifying the infrastructure of the villages involved, this project includes the acquisition and installation of a solar energy kit, boats, motors and GPS devices to be distributed equally between the Sagrada and Shukuvena villages, as they are strategic points for territorial surveillance, in addition to supporting the team of indigenous people who will work on protection and monitoring actions over the course of twelve months. This equipment will support river surveillance actions in the Iwiya, Apiuiri, Paturi, Kaxinawá and Marajá streams, as well as along the Gregório River, on the border of the Indigenous Land with non-indigenous lands. These actions include cleaning the area around existing signs and markers at strategic points, as well as mapping the border areas of the Indigenous Land, with a view to future map production.

State: Acre

Indigenous Land: Rio Gregório

People: Yawanawá


In Progress


