Paiter Eweytxa We Same: Ethno-tourism, Strengthening Territorial Governance of the Sete de Setembro Indigenous Land


Institution responsible: GAP EY Association

The project was conceived through the union of three indigenous organizations of the Paiter Suruí People, from the Sete de Setembro Indigenous Land, in the municipality of Cacoal, Rondônia. The project will strengthen the ethno-tourism already being implemented in different villages of the Indigenous Land by the three initiatives involved: the Wagoh Pakob Center, the Olawatawa Medicinal Plants Center and the Paiter A Soe Museum, based on the development of a unified strategy that can offer visitors a complete and robust tourism circuit, with immersion in various aspects of the Paiter Suruí culture and way of life, in accordance with the activities that the organizations already develop.

In this sense, the project aims to strengthen capacities and territorial economic governance, promoting lasting partnerships internally between the groups involved, and increasing income generation from a sustainable activity that positively impacts the environment and culture. The project will also stimulate other economic activities, such as the sale of indigenous handicrafts, produced mainly by women, fostering their autonomy and the sale of products from agroextractivism. In this way, it contributes to reducing economic dependence on activities that cause environmental degradation, increasing the perception of the value of forests and ecosystem services.


In Progress


