Pequi from Gerais


Institution responsible: Cooperative of Small-Scale Farmers and Agroextractivists Grande Sertão

The Pequi from Gerais subproject: Strengthening the Production Arrangement of Pequi and other Cerrado fruits in the North of Minas Gerais aims to reinforce the value chain of pequi and other Cerrado fruits, focusing on improvements in the governance of the Local Production Arrangement (APL, the acronym in Portuguese) and in the structures of the community enterprises participating in the initiative.

The project aims to improve access to markets, including institutional and non-institutional markets, add value to products, implement certifications, train producers, strengthen cooperation with institutional partners and support the creation of a Distribution and Marketing Center. Over 24 months, the plan aims to consolidate the pequi production base, resulting in high-quality products and a solid presence in the markets, and to qualify organizations for the proper management of the APL in the long term.


In Progress


