Institution responsible: Instituto Raoni
Project Summary: This proposal aims to continue the development of the Territorial and Environmental Management Plan (PGTA, the acronym in Portuguese) for the Capoto/Jarina Indigenous Territory, which began in 2019 and involved surveys of the number of villages, the number of people in the villages per family, and the assessment based on data collection. The ethno-mapping, which would follow as a second stage of the development of the management plan, was supposed to take place in 2020, but due to COVID-19, it was not possible to continue, as according to a Funai ordinance, only essential work would be carried out within the Indigenous Territory and with its authorization. In 2022, following the protocol required by the communities, the continuation of the development of the PGTA was authorized, with the next steps being:
Mobilize communities to continue activities based on the presentation of the results of the assessment and to form the Strategic Indigenous Working Group (GITE, the acronym in Portuguese), comprising young women and men, representing each people in the Capoto Jarina Indigenous Land;
Train the Strategic Indigenous Working Group (GITE) through thematic workshops and structure the territorial, environmental and economic governance mechanism of the Capoto Jarina Indigenous Land;
Implement the PGTA for the Capoto Jarina Indigenous Land for its publication and strategic distribution of the PGTA Book for the Capoto Jarina Indigenous Land; and
Produce a documentary about the process of constructing the PGTA and publish it on social media.
Indigenous Lands: Capoto/Jarina
Peoples: Mebengokre-Kayapó, Trumai, Juruna and Tapayuna
StatusIn Progress |
BiomeAmazon |