The subproject Strategic and Participatory Restoration in the Pantanal: APA Baía Negra seeks to implement different ecological restoration projects in a participatory manner in approximately 33.8 hectares within the Baía Negra Environmental Protection Area (APA), included in the Pantanal biome.
The reforested areas are divided into three sites. The first refers to an area of approximately 3.3 hectares, with a history of gravel extraction until 2014. The second site presents a more advanced stage of regeneration. In all, it adds up to 7.7 hectares, in which the soil already shows more advanced characteristics of recovery, and the areas exhibit a greater diversity of species. The third site has a more advanced stage of regeneration than the others: with an area of 22.7 hectares, there is a greater presence of native species with good soil preservation.
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