
Project description

Photo: Monumento Natural Cagarras, por Fernando Moraes


Supporting the physical structuring of coastal and estuarine PAs and fostering the improvement of their management tools are the core goals of the program “Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity at Coastal and Estuarine Federal Protected Areas in the States of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo”.

The initiative centers around ten PAs and strives to promote biodiversity conservation and the sustainable use of fisheries resources, and to bolster artisanal fishing methods through enhanced management.

Total project funding runs to R$ 23.1 million, raised through a Consent Decree/Conduct Adjustment Agreement (TAC) between Chevron Brazil and the Federal Public Prosecutors’ Office, brokered by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) and the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), with Funbio as financial manager.

The following PAs are supported:

  1. Cairuçu Environmental Protection Area (EPA), RJ
  2. Guapi-Mirim Environmental Protection Area (EPA), RJ
  3. Guanabara Ecological Station (ES), RJ
  4. Tamoios Ecological Station (ES), RJ
  5. Tupinambás Ecological Station (ES), SP
  6. Ilhas Cagarras Natural Monument (NM), RJ
  7. Jurubatiba Salt Marsh National Park (NP), RJ
  8. Serra da Bocaina National Park (NP), RJ/SP
  9. Arraial do Cabo Marine Extractive Reserve (MER), RJ

The Support to PAs project is an offset measure established under a consent decree agreed between the company PetroRio and the Federal Public Prosecutors’ Office in Rio de Janeiro. It is implemented by FUNBIO.


In Progress

Starting year



Marine and Coastal

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