
Floresta Viva’s overall objective is to contribute to investments in ecological restoration in Brazilian biomes, consequently achieving benefits related to preserving biodiversity, water resource availability, reducing erosion, improving the microclimate, removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and generating jobs and income.

Mangroves and restingas [coastal forests] are coastal ecosystems of great ecological, social, and economic importance. Due to their location on the coast, both are under great threat from urban expansion and human activities that have significantly modified their structure and physiognomy.

The Mangroves of Brazil Call for Proposals is the result of the combination of resources from BNDES and Petrobras and aims to support projects that promote ecological restoration in mangrove and restinga areas in the Brazilian territory.

About the Mangroves of Brazil notice:

The notice provides R$44.4 million to support restoration projects in mangroves, restingas, and their respective drainage basins. We hope to support up to nine (9) projects, which will have an execution period of up to 48 months.

Non-profit institutions with the following legal natures are eligible as project proponents in this call for proposals: civil associations and private foundations, in their different forms of presentation (institute, foundation, forum, association, movement, etc.) and cooperatives at any level of constitution (singular, central, federations and confederations). The proposing institution must be legally constituted at least two years ago and have proven experience in carrying out ecological restoration projects.

See each of the institutions with projects selected in the Mangroves of Brazil Call for Proposals:


Proposal Hectares State Scope of work
FEST – Fundação Espírito-Santense de Tecnologia 200 ES Estuarine of the Piraquê-Açu and Mirim rivers (Aracruz/ES)
SPVS – Instituto de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação Ambiental 316 SP / PR Lagamar Mosaic – Guaraqueçaba (SP/PR)
SENAI – Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial 220 RJ Sepetiba Bay and Rebio Guaratiba (RJ)
Fundação Vovó do Mangue 200 BA Resex Baía de Iguape, Jaguaripe River mouth (BA)
Instituto Terra de Preservação Ambiental 201 RJ Guanabara Bay (RJ)
SOS Sertão – Organização Sertaneja dos Amigos da Natureza 220 PB APA Barra do Mamanguape (PB)
Fundação Sousândrade de Apoio à UFMA 200 PA / MA Pará-Maranhão Belt (PA/MA)
Instituto Coral Vivo 200 BA Resex Cassurubá and Resex Corumbau (BA)

Access the notice by clicking here.


In Progress

Starting year



Marine and Coastal



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