The subproject Revitalization of Colony Z-14: for more sustainable and community-integrated fishing proposed by [Fishing] Colony Z-14 in the region of Sepetiba and Pedra de Guaratiba, aims to stimulate the development of the fisheries chain in the mentioned region, focusing on the three pillars that support sustainability: environmental, social, and economic.
In the environmental pillar, activities related to the problem of solid waste are anticipated, which will seek to raise fisherfolk’s awareness of the importance of properly disposing of waste accidentally caught during fishing. The social pillar seeks to integrate the fisherfolk’s family into the activity, through the dissemination of relevant and appropriate information and also to bring them into coexistence within the Colony (participating in courses, training and lectures). And finally, in the economic pillar, a new ice machine will be purchased, to make it available at a fairer and more accessible price, reducing costs for small-scale fisherfolk and increasing the financial return from fishing activities.
Furthermore, Colony Z-14 needs administrative structuring, considering that it serves a destitute region and provides support to associated fisherfolk who practice various types of fishing (trawling, fenced, caiçara, shellfish gathering and crab collecting). Therefore, the administrative staff will be trained, improving their working conditions for managing activities to support the fisherfolk.
The subproject lasts 12 months and targets small-scale fisherfolk affiliated with the colony and their families.
StatusCompleted |
BiomeMarine and Coastal |